Here’s a new podcast for those of us who are tired of true crime, up to date on This American Life and frankly in need of a bit of brain food to maintain high brow credentials throughout the holiday season.

The infamously curious and always thought-provoking CEO of conference-series-turned-global-movement ‘TED’ has finally succumbed to the long-term push from his loyal followers, creating the much-awaited series ‘The TED Interview’.

Like our courageously curious ethos at The Media Store, the TED philosophy to “go where curiosity takes you” has inspired audiences around the globe to think outside the box and constantly challenge norms in practice.

The global phenomenon gathering people from all walks of life has given a platform to speakers representing thought leadership and unique life experience since 1990. Its enduring momentum for almost thirty years is often attributed to CEO and curator Chris Anderson’s willingness to adapt in both subject and formula. It’s no surprise the organization’s latest endeavour is original podcasts; a channel that has gone from being a ‘nice to have’ in 2017 to an expected part of the content mix in 2018 for global thought leaders.

The formula mirrors the recent trend of longer form audio interviews, as spear-headed by the podcasting juggernaut and stand-up comedian Joe Rogan. Leveraging the high calibre TED alumnae Anderson has built over the decades, each week features a globally renowned intellectual authority who interrogates ideas from morality and knowledge capacity to the most human experiences and emotions.

So whether you’re tuning in from the beach or the Northern line, The TED Interview is the perfect way to keep the mind engaged as we near the end of year finish line!

Emily France