On May 8 Haagen-Dazs US stores gave away free ice-cream cones to customers.  Rather than building a loyalty program or launching a new flavour, the brand used the giveaway to raise awareness of the plight of bees, yes bees!
Did you know that honey bees pollinate one-third of the foods we eat? Did you also know that honeybee populations are disappearing at an alarming rate?
For over a decade the ice-cream brand has been raising awareness and donating funds to help the plight of bees, linking the fact that many of their varieties, as with a lot of foods we enjoy, rely on these special insects.  Partnering with the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation and The Harry H. Laidlaw Jr. Honey Bee Research Facility, Haagen-Dazs has donated over US$1M to honey bee research. Read more here.