What’s happened?

Audi in Belgium has launched its new e-xperience app that allows drivers to simulate an electric vehicle in their own cars. The app uses the driver’s vehicle data such as speed, distance, and acceleration to calculate how much electrical energy would be used in an electric car, what would be the status of the virtual battery, potential driving range and more. The app also calculates how much money the driver would save and the amount their CO2 emissions would reduce with an electric car (based on data on the driver’s current make and model). e-xperience also displays nearby charging stations on a map to combat ‘Range Anxiety’ i.e. the fear of their electric vehicle not making the distance to the next charging station.

The Media Store Take

e-xperience is Audi’s attempt to position itself as a leader in electric cars by doing the job of promoting the strengths (and strengthening the weaknesses) of the category. For Audi, the app primes the market to facilitate their launch of the e-tron, their new all-electric SUV and the first of 12 electric models expected to launch before 2025. The e-tron is set to launch in Australia in late 2019. The e-xperience app is not currently available in Australia, but other brands could rollout similar conversion opportunities with smart tech (and not just the auto category!) The ability to experience real time comparisons is a compelling concept for consumers.

Kirsten Nicola