by The Media Store | Dec 11, 2016 | News Article
Introducing Olio. With food wasted in huge quantities, a London-based duo’s app helps people give away leftover meals and ingredients rather than throwing them in the bin The app that allows people and shops to share surplus food (the name, according to its...
by The Media Store | Dec 11, 2016 | News Article
At long last, Australian radio listeners now have access to 250 radio stations through their mobiles on RadioApp. Spearheaded by Commercial Radio Australia (CRA), RadioApp will bring together brands including ABC, SBS, SCA, Nova & ARN. User experience reports are...
by The Media Store | Dec 11, 2016 | News Article
The ecommerce giant launched a beta version of its ‘check-out free’ shopping experience Amazon Go. Instead of checkout lines and cashiers, customers pick up what they want and simply walk out the door with their Amazon Go app tallying the bill and debiting their...
by The Media Store | Dec 11, 2016 | News Article
Snapchat has released local daily usage figures for the first time, revealing Australians are among the platform’s highest users per capita. 4 million Aussies use the app daily, representing a quarter of total smartphone users. Mirroring global trends, 18-34 year olds...
by The Media Store | Nov 27, 2016 | News Article
LinkedIn has unveiled LinkedIn Learning, an e-learning portal offering professional development app-based courses to individuals. 4000 courses cover business, technology, programming skills, design, photography, writing and accounting, any time, anywhere, with the...