The Wrap
he Wrap is a fortnightly review of the latest trends and technologies from around the globe.
In a constantly evolving marketplace, we identify the best new technologies, campaigns and consumer behaviours and cast
The Media Store lens over their practical application and efficacy, to ensure we and our clients remain at the forefront of the news.
Volvo’s brand purpose is now beyond just the car!
Volvo has just won the Cannes Lions Grand Prix for their Lifepaint campaign. This revolutionary product is a reflective safety spray for cyclists that are invisible in daylight but highly visible at night in the glare of headlights. In a brave move that steps away...
Samsung overtaking the rest
Being stuck behind a semi-trailer on a narrow single lane road can be annoying at the best of times. Overtaking in these conditions is dangerous and quite often results in deadly consequences. Samsung have come up with a possible solution, “transparent trucks”. The...
A merging of the minds!
Foxtel have taken a 15% stake in free to air broadcaster Network Ten, with the Ten then taking a 25% stake in MCN, Foxtel’s media sales house. The ACCC will investigate the proposal, for any implication on completion, but the deal should pass in the coming months. As...
There’s an app for that!
Find yourself waking up in the middle of the night with grand inventions, but can’t remember them in the morning? Or maybe you’re forgetting important dates like birthdays and anniversaries. HiFutureSelf is the answer to your problems! An app that allows you to set...
Vertical Content
Snapchat, market leaders in talking to Millennials, are in the process of re-educating marketers on the benefits of vertical content. If it hasn’t been enough to shift from 4x3 to 16x9, the Insta square, grappling with content across devices, now it’s all about the...
Project Jacquard
Google, in partnership with Levis, are working to create wearable technology that will make garments interactive, in a new venture named ‘Project Jacquard’. Using the same looms and machinery the textiles industry already uses, tiny electronics will be integrated into...
How holographic technology can change behaviour
In Russia, more than 30% of drivers dismiss disabled parking signs. To tackle the behaviour head on, non-profit Dislife recently produced the “I’m more than a sign” message. They installed cameras in shopping malls and business centres in Moscow, which determined when...
The cookie Is dead – here comes frictionless tracking!
With 41% of all purchases starting on one (larger) device & being finalised on another (smaller) one, losing “the thread” is a real problem for Brands. Enter Facebook’s Atlas. Using Persistent IDS (PIEs), conversations can be frictionless tracked across...
There’s an app for that!
A recent winner at the Apple's 2015 Design Awards, Fantastical is a calendar app you won’t be able to live without. Fantastical's USP feature is its ability to translate your natural language to create calendar entries for example, you type in “Coffee catch-up every...

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