The Wrap
he Wrap is a fortnightly review of the latest trends and technologies from around the globe.
In a constantly evolving marketplace, we identify the best new technologies, campaigns and consumer behaviours and cast
The Media Store lens over their practical application and efficacy, to ensure we and our clients remain at the forefront of the news.
Facebook to intro video profiles
Facebook are introducing their first major updates to user profiles in 5 years, with the intention to allow users more customisability in how they represent themselves online. Notable changes include having a 7 second video as a profile pic, and a mobile-first design...
Google plays catch up
Google has beefed up their data targeting from what is already a very solid base, announcing they will soon be able to ingest and target users from their Gmail email address adding to their, already robust, targeting capabilities. Once the audiences are uploaded,...
There’s an app for that
Companion is a free personal-safety app allowing friends to virtually walk you home at night. Users request a contact to keep them company, tracking their journey home. Those contacted receive an SMS sending them to an interactive map showing the user walking. If they...
Will iOS9 see the death of display?
iPhone user? Then you may have been prompted to update your iOS software over the weekend to iOS 9. Normal tweaks aside, Apple has allowed ad-blocking apps to be bought in its App Store (they will block mobile and tablet ads within Safari - ads within Apple apps...
Searching for serendipity
Ericsson have released ‘TV and Media 2015: The empowered TV and media consumer’s influence’ report. This global report combines qualitative and quantitative research across 9 markets to give voice to emerging and established trends. The big focus this year was on...
Flying cars!
Not quite yet! But thanks to IBM’s IoT (Internet of Things) platform the auto industry is set to join the cloud. It is forecast that by 2020 90% of new cars will have extensive connectivity services. To make the most of this car manufacturers are using the IoT to use...
Buttons speak louder than words
Facebook will soon add a "dislike" button allowing users to express empathy, rather than negativity, substantiating its goal of “connecting the world.” As the social network increasingly positions itself as a destination for news and thought-provoking conversations,...
The company formerly known as Google
Last week, Google announced a rebrand of its corporate identity. Moving forward, Google, the thing you use to search stuff, will still be known as Google, but it will be one of many subsidiary businesses within Alphabet – Google’s new holding company.
Fans choose to take on Mission Dalek
As part of it’s “Make It Digital” initiative – which aims to create a new generation of UK digital professionals – the BBC has launched Doctor Who: Mission Dalek. In producing, distributing & hosting storytelling resources like tips, How To Videos and rights...

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We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which both our offices occupy. We pay respect to their Elders, past and present, and the Aboriginal Elders of other communities who we may work with.