The Wrap
he Wrap is a fortnightly review of the latest trends and technologies from around the globe.
In a constantly evolving marketplace, we identify the best new technologies, campaigns and consumer behaviours and cast
The Media Store lens over their practical application and efficacy, to ensure we and our clients remain at the forefront of the news.
There’s an App for that!
Musicians and songwriters around the world have used the Voice Memos app on their iPhone to quickly record ideas, and many hit songs first started as Voice Memos. The new Music Memos app is inspired by Voice Memos and takes the functionality even further by adding...
Spotify Makes a New Play for your Attention
What’s happened? Spotify have entered the crowded realm of video streaming, announcing a rollout of short, easily consumable pieces of content across its mobile network. Premium providers including BBC, VICE and ESPN will be on board from the launch in February, and...
Face with Tears of Joy emoji is word of the year!
What's Happened? Oxford dictionaries have announced a pictograph as the word of the year for the first time ever, as it best reflects the tone of 2015. It’s no surprise as recent research from Instagram has shown that 40% of comments posted to the site now contain...
Intrusive formats key culprit for Adblocker usage
What’s happened? A recent study by US video ad tech company, Teads, investigated user motivations for installing ad blockers. The key finding was that intrusive ads are the biggest motivator for installing adblockers, more so than other factors such as data or site...
Virtual Luxury
What's happened? Louis Vuitton’s SS16 campaign steps into the RPG dystopian dreamscape, casting Final Fantasy XIII’s leading lady Lightning as the face of their manga and computer culture inspired “Series 4” collection. “Lightning is the perfect avatar for a global,...
There’s an app for that!
Yes. You know it. It’s a healthy app for a healthy start to 2016. Tanya Poppet is one of those fitness stars from Social Media that you hear about who’s got a gazillion followers and gets paid to workout. But we really like her app! It features 6min – 8min HIIT...
Automotive and data @ CES2016
What's happened? The annual Consumer & Electronics trade Show (CES) has concluded in Las Vegas. 170k business people and journalists inspected the latest and greatest in tech, gadgetry and trends, looking for the next big thing in consumer electronics.
Facebook | your next internet browser?
What's happening? Facebook is testing a new functionality that makes sure they retain their users, rather than losing them to other websites. The new Facebook app has a URL bar and the functionality to move back and forward through the browser history ensuring users...
Australian advertising market to grow 3.5% in 2016!

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We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which both our offices occupy. We pay respect to their Elders, past and present, and the Aboriginal Elders of other communities who we may work with.