The Wrap
he Wrap is a fortnightly review of the latest trends and technologies from around the globe.
In a constantly evolving marketplace, we identify the best new technologies, campaigns and consumer behaviours and cast
The Media Store lens over their practical application and efficacy, to ensure we and our clients remain at the forefront of the news.
Helping North Korea see better
Dear Leader - a recently launched premium sunglasses brand – is on a mission to bring down the North Korea regime. Designed with a distinct political aim in mind the collaborators vision – an eclectic mix of artists, entrepreneurs and optometrists – was solidified...
There’s an app for that
The U.N. has launched an app called Sustainable Development Goals, designed to increase awareness of and engagement with the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The app creates a global forum for citizens to track the U.N.’s development goals whilst also...
Snapchat launches Spectacles
Snapchat has announced the imminent launch of its first piece of hardware, Spectacles. Spectacles records 10-second clips that are then synced to the user’s smartphone to be frictionless-ly shared via Snapchat (without being plugged in). In the same announcement,...
Data to help drivers find parking spaces
From 300 million people in India who have very little, to a relative few who have a lot.... From next year, Audi, BMW and Mercedes Benz cars will be fitted with on-board sensors that will share information in real time about on-street parking spaces and roadworks via...
Google’s ambitions for India
Google has announced plans to set up free Wi-Fi networks for profit across India by partnering with shopping malls, universities and other public places. Rajan Anandan, Google's vice-president for India and South-East Asia said, "Everything that we're doing is really...
There’s an app for that
Pokemon Go developers, Niantic, announced the game will be available on the Apple Watch prior to the end of the year. The app will allow you to keep your iPhone in your pocket while tracking the Pokemon, enhancing your Pokemon Go experience and saving you from...
Socially led Plebiscite
As the Plebiscite for gay marriage looms, the government has pledged $7.5m for a “yes” campaign and also for “no”. Many fear that such a campaign would incite hatred towards the LGBTI communities, especially as the ASB has said these campaigns are classified as...
Apple Announces the iPhone 7
On September 7th 2016, Apple announced the new iPhone7. Of all the upgrades and features, negative reaction to the lack of a headphone jack overshadowed the introduction of Apple’s first dual lens camera on the iPhone. The new system promises optical zoom without...
There‘s an app for that
Google estimates 30% of shopping is now via apps, delivering frictionless exchanges. Blippar, Visa and House of Holland have created an app allowing users to point their phone at another person & purchase what they’re wearing. At London Fashion Week, guests...

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We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which both our offices occupy. We pay respect to their Elders, past and present, and the Aboriginal Elders of other communities who we may work with.